鎌倉彫青山工房ギャラリー                                                        gallery of kamakura-bori aoyama studio


第46回 鎌倉彫創作展

創作大賞  「柘榴文盛皿」    
不定形な長方形の大盤は偶然の変形にみせながら 実は両端のザクロの
上手く対比されて その対照性が力強さを生み うごきを感じさせる 
バイキングなど 多人数が集う場所で使用する




鎌倉の野山に咲く花や木の実をモチーフに鎌倉の四季の豊かさを表現するとともに、これからも大切にしたいと考え取り組みました。前年制作した「ジュウヤク」をたたき台に、修正、工夫を加えたものです。彫刻について 内側の側面に彫刻することは大変困難で、時間との勝負でした。


    制作年月日 2014.10.24~2015.11.16  

    受賞 :  第43回鎌倉彫創作展において大賞を受賞

    審査講評   多摩美大名誉教授 高木 晃先生




  My intention

Using wild flowers,berries and fruits of the hills and fields of Kamakura as a motif, Ⅰworld like to express the variety of seasons of Kamakura ,hoping to preserve it.Ⅰimproved and added more ideas to my"Jyuyaku"(Fish wort) created the year before.It took me a long time to complete this work as carving the inner sides was really difficult.

Regarding designs, Ⅰ chose the common flowers of Kamakura: Japanese camellias, viola grypoceras, mock strawberry, spotted bellflower, montbretia, aster ageratoides var. ovatus, porcelain berry, Japanese snake gourd which Ⅰ carved on the inner sides.Ⅰ tried to visualise pretty but strong wild flowers by carving delicately.


Created from 24/Oct/2014 to 16/Nov/2015

 Awrds : Received the grand prize at the 43rd Creative Kamakura-bori Exhivition.


Judge's review  (Akira Takagi, an emeritus professor of Tama Art University)

"This dish is a rectangular shape with wide sides and a flat base which creates dynamic shaping properties. Seasonal flowers in Kamakura are delicately carved on the inner sides. The vase has a fine cloth attached with a lacquered finish which makes this work more elegant.



叩き刀痕文軸入れ Chisel marked storage box for hanging scrolls


Click to enlarge





第35回記念鎌倉彫創作展 準大賞



The idea to create a storage box for hanging scrolls first came to me when my wife started drawing hanging scrolls.Ⅰ thought it would be handy if a storage box could be a beautiful ormament in the alcoves as well, so that we could change the scrolls more easily as the seasons change.AsⅠhollowed it out from wood, it was very challenging but Ⅰ am satisfied with the finished product. (Size  25.5×71.5×11cm/)


Received the second prize at the 35th memorial Creative Kamakura-bori exhibitionbe


"Although traditional boxes are made of Paulownia wood which should be stored away,this storage box for hanging scrolls can be a decoration as well.The lacquer technique used highlights the chisel marks and by applying green Urushi as the middle layer then black Urushi for the top coat, the user can enjoy the colour changing over the years of use."This was the comment received from judge, Kiichiro Masumura, the holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property.


ジュウヤク  Fish wort



Click to enlarge
















Ⅰ made the wooden base thinking about trying to create an original shape with carved inside and that it would be easy to use.



 Rather than being hallowed out from a single piece of wood, the base and frame are made separrately.

To begin with an rectangular shaped frame is cut out by a machine.

Separating the base from the dish makes carving the inner sides easier and the base is able to get the cloth-coverd and lacquered to make it harder. When you hold it, both hands will fit the curved sides, which is meant to look like the shape of flower, morning glory.










The lidded 'Teguri' (hollowed out by hand) container with natural wood surface



















Planks which have the natural surface(bark)of the tree are called live edge wood slabs.Sometimes the slabs have both sides and other times only one.

When we make products,usually this uneven part is avoided however Ⅰ featured it anyway using one with both sides with live edges.



The outside of the lid is made from the natural curves of wood.On the other hand,the inside is hollowed out so that the lid can be fitted any way all the way around.


Date produced

Started in 2009


A live edge wooden slab is soaked in water. The bark is then carefully peeled.When the wood is sawn, the objects are hollowed out roughly.Then left to dry for 2 to 3years.


Entries and awards

2012 Entered the Traditional Crafts in kasukabe Exhibition

2012 Received the President's Award at the 12th Kanto Master of Traditional 

Crafts Society contest

The chief judge was Kiichiro Masumura, the holder of Important Intangible Cultural property. 













今回は大地から力強く伸び 冷たい空気の中で香り高く咲く 早春の梅がテーマ。








With respect the plum blossom design

When the plum blossom was chosen for the design, Ⅰ wanted to study it carefully, so Ⅰ visited a nearby plum tree garden.The plum trees had black gnarled trunks with young green branches that stretched straight up with red buds which stood out against the white blossoms which left a delicate scent in the cold air.One tree caught my attention.This tree which had 2 branches that stretched from the root in two different directions was perfect for the composition of my work. Ⅰ drew a rough sketch of it in my sketchbook.

When Ⅰ deaw designs on wooden bases, Ⅰ spend a lot of time thinking and worrying about compositions.The theme this time was beautifully scented plum blossoms on the gnarled trees stretching from the ground in the cold air of early spring.The rough sketchⅠmade earlier became the structure of my theme.The 4 stages of the flower, from a bud to full bloom were allocated all over the surface.Ⅰ drew all of it at once.Once it was done, Ⅰ left it for a few days.ThenⅠreturned to it, added some improbements and the drawing on the wood was completed.


2009 Spring, selected for the first time at the 49th Eastern Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition

鎌倉華の膳  Placemts with flowers of Kamakura

ここ鎌倉の地で咲く馴染みの花々(水仙 ヤブツバキ 山桜 紫陽花 萩)を使ってお膳、お盆として四季おりおりに日々の暮らしのなかで愛用される鎌倉彫らしい一品を木地から5枚組で作ってみようと思いました。



本来であるならば、黒中を塗り、朱で上塗りですが、花の部分の所々に朱を入れてから 上塗りを施しました。表の側面はタタキノミで仕上げてあります。



ゆったりとした感じを出すために 胴張の型にして軽くするためと狂いを防ぐために裏の底を削り、裏の擦れる部分には麻布を張り強くしました。




Using the common flowers in Kamakura (daffodil, japanese camellias,Prunus jamasakura,hydrangea, lespedeza), Ⅰwanted to create a set of

5 trays which is a typical Kamakura-bori product.These can be used like as placemats for everyday use.



Traditionally after applying black Urushi lacquer,vermillion Urushi is applied as a top coat but extra vermillion Urushi is applied around the flowers before the top coat.You can see the marks of the 'Tatakinomi'on gaps.


What did Ⅰ hope to achieve

To make a soothing shape, the lines are slightly curved. To make it lighter and prevent it from warping, the base is carved. To the bottom area which may get damaged, a hemp cloth is attached for extra strength.

Date produced

From October/2010 to 9/December/2010



鎌倉彫蓋物 さくら                                                                                                                    Kamakura-bori lidded container with Cherry blossom design

鎌倉彫青山工房  鎌倉彫蓋物「さくら」

鎌倉彫蓋物 さくら

語り掛けるように磨くと、花びらが輝いてそれに応えてくれた。こうして 鎌倉彫「さくら」が誕生した。

第33回 鎌倉彫創作展において、創作大賞を受賞。



Ⅰcame across a beautiful cherry blossom tree.

Ⅰddrew a branch of it in my sketchbook.

 Then Ⅰhollowed out by hand a round container.('Teguri')

Ⅰdrew the design on the container so that the flower petals' features stand out.

Ⅰcarved the cherry blossoms carefully and painstakingly.

With all my great care and attention,Ⅰapplied many layers of Urushi lacquer.

When Ⅰpolished the flowers like talking to them,the petals answered me back by shinning.Thus Kamakura-bori "Sakura"(cherry blossom) was born.


Received the grand prize at the 33rd Creative Kamakura-bori Exhibition


ワインクーラー 葡萄唐草  Wine cooler with grape and arabesque design

鎌倉彫青山工房  ワインクーラー 葡萄唐草

ワインクーラー 葡萄唐草


その蓋を取って 氷を入れ、ワインのボトルを斜めに入れると丁度収まるように木材をくり抜きました。実際、重厚で安定感があります。帯状に描いた葡萄唐草は 芳醇なワインの香りかあるいはギリシャ神話やヴァッカスといった美しい酒のイメージで描きました。


A unique shaped container like a Japanese 'box pillow'(Long time ago when women had Japanese coiffures, they used it under their neck to keep their hair style in shape when sleeing.) When you open the lid, inside is hollow so that you can put ice and a tilted bottle of wine. It is solid and sturdy. A line of grape arabesque design is drawn as an image of the aroma of a gutsy wine or beautiful liquor of Greek mythology or the god Bacchus.